06 Apr 2017

International Table Tennis Stage in Tokyo has a rich history that it hopes to share with the world.

by Wade Townsend

International Table Tennis Stage (ITS) in Tokyo was host to a come and try event for World Table Tennis Day.

It is a venue with both history and pedigree. The club was founded by World Champion and ITTF President Ichiro Ogimura, and if you look at the ITS Members Board you will see names from Stellan Bengtsson to Juan Antonio Samaranch.

Every day of the week the club holds table tennis lessons coached by Olympians, catering for hobbyist veterans to rising junior stars.

“Players aged from 7 to 87 years old are playing here each week. It is a club that looks to help anyone that wishes to learn about table tennis.” Takahiro Oribe, ITS Coach and Public Relations

On World Table Tennis Day the club opened its doors for everyone to come in and have a chance to try out table tennis.

The host of the event was Takahiro Oribe, who has keeps the same vision for the club on which it was founded on.

“We want to be a club that will connect people not just in Tokyo but from all over the world. This is our aim.” Takahiro Oribe, ITS Coach and Public Relations

ITS continues to follow the path that Ogimura laid.

“Table tennis can bring people together and make peace in this world. ITS is a part of this dream.” Takahiro Oribe, ITS Coach and Public Relations


“Don’t forget to register your event no matter how big or small, whether held on Thursday 6th April or within one week either side. It makes a difference in showing the world the importance of this day.” Glenn Tepper, ITTF Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Register: World Table Tennis Day


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83Days 03Hours 38Minutes 05Seconds