
11 Feb 2018

A total of six boys and three girls from Egypt on duty at the 2018 Oman Junior and Cadet Open; all have proved most competitive. Furthermore, all have been supported to the hilt; they have been cheered to greater heights by the Egyptian Table Tennis Group in Oman.

The Egyptian Table Tennis Group in Oman is a group of doctors, engineers, teachers and lawyers residing in the country who quite simply enjoy table tennis, they enjoy the sport in every aspect.

by Ian Marshall, ITTF Publications Editor

At the helm, the head cheerleader is Dr. Asharf Ghali, Professor of Anaesthesia at the Intensive Care Unit at the Tanta University in Egypt; now following the same role at the Magrabi Eye and Ear Hospital in Oman.

Locally they have been involved with the organisation of the Oman Championships, the Omani Club Open; their members have won a host of medals and look forward to an even greater success.

An Egyptian group in essence but membership is not restricted to those born in the North African country. In addition members include citizens of Oman, Lebanon, Syria and India as well as from European nations.

“In the last few months, the Egyptian Table Tennis Group in Oman launched a high-profile Facebook page which quickly attracted many fans. The page always provides live broadcast of table tennis activities in Oman. In addition there is news and posters and comments about the game with technical commentary and analysis on the important matches, not only in the Sultanate of Oman, also in all Arab countries.” Dr. Asharf Ghali

Furthermore, a distinctive logo has been developed as well as a YouTube Channel to broadcast the major competitions in Oman

“The Egyptian Table Tennis Group in Oman has set up an academy for coaching young people about the game. It organizes two annual tournaments which includes competitors of all nationalities. “Dr. Asharf Ghali

A valuable support organisation, the Egyptian Table Tennis Group looks forward to working closely with the Oman Table Tennis Federation.

The logo for the Egyptian Table Tennis Group Oman (Photo courtesy of Dr. Asharf Ghali)
World Junior Circuit 2018 Oman Junior & Cadet Open Egyptian Table Tennis Group

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