05 Apr 2018

Officially approved at the meeting of the ITTF Executive Committee on Saturday 24th February in London, the ITTF Foundation, a non-profit making organisation whose aim is the promote the humanitarian aspects of sport, was established.

The position of Foundation Manager is now offered.

by Ian Marshall, ITTF Publications Manager

It is a full-time post; the position takes effect at the earliest suitable opportunity, administration and management being the key aspects.

Principally, the role is to liaise with a variety of personnel including the Foundation Director, the Governing Board and the Board of Trustees, whilst also working closely with the German authorities on legal matters. Therefore good communication skills are required. Fluency in English and German is required.

Also organising, necessary finances that will accrue as projects are formulated will be necessary, as well as budgeting for future projects.

Literary skills are also essential; editing items such as Power Point presentations and texts will be required and it may be necessary to translate documents.

The position is home based and the salary negotiable, preferably five years of experience in sport administration, management or similar fields having been realised.

It is a challenging post and requires high motivation, enthusiasm and dedication. On occasions irregular hours of work being needed as befits any initiative that may be taking place; travel by the very nature of the work involved is required.

Most significantly, the person appointed will be part of a highly successful and forward thinking team; a record 226 member associations underlines that fact. It is more than any other international federation and is thanks to the award winning ITTF Development Programme

New standards have been set; the International Table Tennis Federation continues in that vein, setting even higher standards, achieving greater goals, a demanding but highly satisfying position, the Foundation Manager, is announced.

For further information and applications contact:

Leondro Olvech, ITTF Foundation Director
Email: [email protected]

ITTF Foundation Manager: Official Announcement – Job Description

High Performance and Development ITTF Foundation ITTF Foundation

ITTF Men's and Women's World Cup Macao 2025

83Days 00Hours 27Minutes 03Seconds