01 Apr 2018

Situated on Spain’s Costa Blanca, Alicante is the host for the 2018 ITTF World Hopes Week and Challenge.

Three wild card places for boys and the same number for girls are being offered by the International Table Tennis Federation for the event which will commence on Monday 30th July and conclude on Sunday 5th August.

by Dora Jeler, High Performance and Development Operations Manager

Following the conclusion of the Continental Hopes Weeks, a total of 13 boys and 13 girls will be invited to Alicante.

Overall, three boys and three girls from each of Asia and Europe will be named, two boys and two girls from each of Africa and Latin America, as well as one boy and one girl from North America and the same from Oceania. One place per gender will be reserved for Spain being the host nation.

National associations may submit applications for the wild card places detailing; in order to meet the requirements of the selection process, Hopes activities must be detailed.

2018 ITTF World Hopes Week and Challenge: Call for Wild Card Applications

Playes, coaches and officials at the 2017 ITTF Hopes Week and Challenge (Photo: Claude Sibenhaler)
2018 ITTF Hopes ITTF Hopes Week and Challenge

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83Days 03Hours 30Minutes 44Seconds