07 Oct 2018

A special issue of the Journal of Sports Sciences dedicated to table tennis, a renowned publication which ranks amongst the highest in its field, was issued on Sunday 30th September.

It is the result of efforts made by an international group of sports scientists working in co-operation with the ITTF Sport Science and Medical Committee.

by Ian Marshall, Editor

Assembled by Irene Faber Ph.D and Professor Martin Lames, the guest editors; the call for papers was issued in September 2016; the response was some 60 submissions of which 17 in total were accepted, each representing a different country and overall five continents.

Topics covered reflect the mission of the Journal of Sports Sciences; the subjects include biological sciences, physiology, nutrition, sports medicine and biomechanics in addition to sports performance plus social and behavioural sciences.

“Innovative and scientifically sound knowledge is considered to be one of the pillars for the sport’s sustainability. This special issue contributes to this starting point and elaborates on the tradition of the Journal of Sports Sciences of special issues.” Irene Faber and Martin Lames

Furthermore, with 226 members, every possible territory on planet earth, table tennis is in a quite unique situation. How many people play table tennis worldwide, taking into account leisure play, the numbers must millions if not more!

Martin Lames is to be congratulated on his efforts (Photo: courtesy of Irene Faber)


An extensive publication and one that may well be a motivating force for more such research.

“Special thanks go to our reviewers for their great and sustaining engagement and respected feedback. Also, we want to acknowledge the International Table Tennis Federation and specifically the Sports Science and Medical Committee for their support and encouragement. Last but not least, we thank the Journal of Sports Sciences, the editor-in-chief, the section editors involved and the technical staff for providing us the opportunity and support from the start until the end.” Irene Faber and Martin Lames

Notably Thomas Weikert, ITTF President and Professor Miran Kondric, Chair the ITTF Sports Science and Medical Committee added official statements.

ITTF Sport Science and Medical Committee: Journal of Sports Sciences

ITTF Sport Science and Medical Committee: Journal of Sports Sciences – Editorial

Sports Science Irene Faber Martin Lames