by Ian Marshall, Editor
Overall a total of 12 coaches, 11 men and one woman, attended; in addition to the host state, course members travelled from Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Brasilia.
Notably, it was a second visit to Joinville for Lincon Yasuda; he had conducted a similar course in the city in 2017 as well as in nearby Port Alegre.
“It was interesting to meet again coaches who had attended previous ITTF/PTT Level One Courses. It was pleasing to see what improvement they had made and if they had thoroughly understood the concepts taught a year ago.” Lincoln Yasuda
Notably all responded to the efforts of Lincon Yasuda; often seen courtside advising members of the national team, he is increasingly in demand course conductor.
“The level of the group was quite good; all of them worked hard during this week.” Lincon Yasuda
It was the second course conducted by Lincon Yasuda in Brazil in less than a month; some two weeks earlier he had directed a similar initiative in Belem, a city many miles north-west, located in the Amazonas region of the country.
A successful conclusion to proceedings in Belem; now there was a successful conclusion in Joinville; in addition to Joinville, Belem and Port Alegre, Lincon Yasuda has conducted ITTF/PTT Courses in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and Belo Horizonte in Minais Gerais, as well as in Campo Grande in Mato Grosso do Sul.