29 Mar 2019

Guaynabo, the Puerto Rican city not too far distant from the country’s international airport, hosted successfully the Universal 2019 Pan America Cup in the first week of February; later this year in June the Pan American Junior Championships will be staged in the Mexican resort of Cancun, followed by the Pan American Championships later this year in the Paraguayan capital city of Asuncion.

All are tournaments growing in stature; now bids to stage these events in 2020 are invited.

by Ian Marshall, Editor

First on the calendar in 2020 is the Pan American Cup, the proposed dates being Friday 7th to Sunday 9th February; a total of 16 players in each of the men’s singles and women’s singles events, a prestigious tournament in its own right, it is also a stepping stone.

The winners are guaranteed invitations to the respective Men’s World Cup and Women’s World Cup tournaments staged later in the year.

Likewise, there as a further level for those who succeed at the Pan American Junior Championships; it opens the door for a place in the now well-established World Junior Championships, a tournament that China’s Ma Long and Ding Ning, the reigning Olympic and World champions have both won.

A total of 16 boys’ teams and 16 girls’ teams plus a further 16 boys and 16 girls invited for the individual events, are the numbers in question. The proposed dates are Monday 22nd to Saturday 27th June.

Concluding the year, also a six day tournament, the envisaged dates for the Pan American Championships are Tuesday 15th to Sunday 20th September; similarly 16 men’s teams and 16 women’s teams compete.

Major events on the calendar, promoted through all possible platforms of the modern media, the tournaments present major opportunities for both national associations and host cities to raise their profile and gain valuable exposure.

Freddy Almendariz, ITTF Pan American Competition Manager
Email: [email protected]

Gonzalo Barak, ITTF Pan American Marketing Manager
[email protected]

Directives & Applications

2020 Pan American tournaments: Bid Document & Hosting Rights (English)
2020 Pan American tournaments: Bid Document & Hosting Rights (Spanish)

2020 Pan American tournaments: Application Form (English)

2020 Pan America Cup: Directives for Organisers (English)
2020 Pan America Cup: Directives for Organisers (Spanish)

2020 Pan American Junior Championships: Directives for Organisers (English)
2020 Pan American Junior Championships: Directives for Organisers (Spanish)

2020 Pan American Championships: Directives for Organisers (English)
2020 Pan American Championships: Directives for Organisers (Spanish)

General News Pan America

ITTF Men's and Women's World Cup Macao 2025

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