17 Aug 2020

Paying tribute to the health workers in the Pacific region, Oceania's table tennis star Yoshua Shing, who competed in both the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympic Games is part of Pacific Unite: Saving Lives Together - Concert to unite everyone in the fight against COVID-19.

by Kabir Nagpal

A true hometown hero when it comes to table tennis, Yoshua Shing showcased his importance to the community recently by becoming a part of an even larger project than sport. The two-time Olympic Games representative for his country, in London, 2012 and Rio, 2016, Shing has been involved in the sport for nearly 15 years and has become a role model for everyone looking to join the cause of taking care of your community.

According to the article originally posted on ABC News, mostly tourism-dependent Pacific countries have suffered major economic consequences because of the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. In order to help boost funds for the benefit of the frontline health workers in the area, a virtual concert was held, bringing people together from all walks of life.

Kendall T, an artist who performed in Pacific Unite and who is also a health worker and COVID-19 front liner, watched the event in Palau with the Australian ambassador.(Supplied)

Often called the ‘Ping Pong Prince of the Pacific’, the Vanuatu international has been pivotal in this concert as he was part of an immensely popular line-up of artists, athletes, and even various officials from the United Nations – all came together to curate a spectacular online event for the people to enjoy.

The event was also joined by many leaders, like New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Prince Charles and Hollywood actor Forest Whitaker, along with the popular Fiji Rugby Sevens team. Prince Charles was very happy to be a part of something that brought people across various countries together to face a common challenge:

“The implications of the pandemic for your islands have, I know, been severe, with devastating impacts on economies and livelihoods. This dreadful pandemic comes at a time when the Pacific region is already facing the accelerating and terrifying impacts of climate change.” Prince Charles

A live broadcast in 12 Pacific countries, as well as Australia and New Zealand, thousands of viewers were able to engage with a well-delivered and morale raising concert. Through YouTube and Facebook, the numbers of people streaming the event also increased.

ITTF is proud of Yoshua Shing and everyone’s efforts in this collective fight against COVID-19.

General News Yoshua Shing

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