Members turning in were provided with a rare opportunity to get detailed information about the daily project work being conducted inside the Equipment department.
The Equipment department had waited it’s turn to join this insightful Forum, and it did not disappoint on its debut. Various information about the current state of Equipment innovation was included in the videoconference and this raised an even more engaging conversation.
The videoconference focused on the following main topics:
• Opening of the new Equipment Office
• ITTF-approved products and work in the markets
• Sport Development Projects
• A first view into the Innovation of Equipment
The development of ITTF-Approved equipment within the last 20 years was also presented during the videoconference. These figures have doubled in this period, which meant that the Equipment department needed to manage close to 2000 products and in some areas upgrades to various technologies being implemented.
In the sport development sector many other interesting projects like the new colours for racket coverings were presented. Additionally, improvements on how to detect after treatments in racket coverings, or the new ability to measure the ball bouncing on different table surfaces were also discussed at length.
Innovation as a third pillar beside the product & market work and the sport development projects was mentioned with topics like sustainability or digitisation of equipment.
The video conference was concluded with the important statements that the work must be designed for the benefit of players worldwide and that the balance between tradition and innovation should be maintained.