10 Nov 2022

The Hopes season is nearing its finale, with the 2022 ITTF World Hopes Week & Challenge to be staged in just over two months’ time in Hennebont (FRA).

With all continental Hopes activities concluded, Member Associations are invited to apply for Wild Cards. Within the Americas, Asia and Europe, three places per gender were up for grabs, Africa qualified two players per gender, while Oceania filled its quota of one player per gender. In addition, the host nation’s Member Association France will be able to nominate one player per gender as well.

The seven Wild Cards per gender will complete the field for the final showdown in Hennebont from 16-22 January 2023.

The selection will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Participationin Continental Hopes onsite activities.
  2. Participation in National and/or Regional Hopes, if applicable
  3. Head Coach/Expert players’ evaluationfrom the Continental Hopes activity
  4. Performance at events
  5. World Ranking U13
  6. Outstanding results
  7. Uploaded 1-minute video of player in training

For more information about the ITTF Hopes Program, please visit the ITTF website: https://www.ittf.com/hpd/programmes/athletes/hopes-program-2/

To apply, please fill out the Application Form.

Qualified Players (10 November 2022)

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