04 Apr 2023

The Wingate Institute in Netanya (ISR) hosted a recent Olympic Solidarity-ITTF Level 2 Coach Education Course and Training Camp. From 19 February to 3 March, 15 Israeli coaches assembled at the national institute for excellence in sports to enhance their technical knowledge and coaching skills under the guidance of ITTF expert Nicolas Guigon. Olympic Solidarity’s main mission is to provide assistance to National Olympic Committees for athlete development programs, in particular those with the greatest need for it, in order that NOCs may fulfil their responsibilities to the Olympic Movement while adhering to the IOC’s strategy.

The participants, most of whom were professional club coaches, benefitted from twelve 3-hour long sessions during the coaching course, which concluded with a theoretical and practical exam. In the second week, the coaches were joined by 17 players between the ages of 10 and 15 for a five-day training camp. As a sidenote, during the last European Youth Championships three Israeli teams reached the round of sixteen, while the Cadet Boys progressed to the quarterfinals. After the training camp, a final one-day seminar concluded the activity, which an additional 20 coaches attended.

“Two weeks of sharing a passion for table tennis, coaching and training : it was a great pleasure for me and an honour to conduct the Olympic Solidarity Coach Education Course Level 2 and the Training Camp under the umbrella of ITTF, Israeli Table Tennis Association and National Olympic Comitee. I particularly appreciated the curiosity and enthusiasm to learn shown by the attendees during those  two weeks, and the ambition and dynamic of the national table tennis association.” Nicolas Guigon, ITTF Expert

“These were superb two weeks, with Nicolas, the topics went way beyond the expected, experience and new ideas were shared at every session. The participants were amazed by the level of energy Nicolas brougth with him. A great pleasure to meet and host. » Pavel Lisovtsev, CEO Israel Table Tennis Association

With eight coaches achieving results qualifying them for participation in the next level of coach education, Israel Table Tennis Association is now looking to organise an ITTF Level 3 Coaching Course. Later in 2023, an Olympic Solidarity Development of National Sports Systems course is planned, aimed at upskilling coaches and players even further.

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