25 Jun 2024

The Royal Spanish Table Tennis Federation (RFETM) has pledged its commitment towards sustainability.

The Royal Spanish Table Tennis Federation (RFETM) has received praise for its dedication to sustainability and its active participation in the Green Sport Flag program. The federation’s commitment was officially recognised by the Spanish Sports Association (ADESP) at a gala hosted by the Spanish Olympic Committee. 

During the event, ADESP granted special recognition to the RFETM, commending their efforts to promote sustainability in sports. Upon receiving the award, RFETM President Miguel Ángel Machado emphasised the collective work of the federation. 

“This award belongs to all members of our federation. It is the result of our collective effort and daily commitment to organising sustainable and world-class competitions,” expressed Machado. 

The recognition ceremony took place at the headquarters of the Spanish Olympic Committee on 15 June, coinciding with the Green Sport Flag awards ceremony organised by ADESP. The president of ADESP personally presented the recognition to the RFETM, expressing their pride in bestowing this honour on behalf of the entire board of directors. 

Photo Credit: Royal Spanish Federation of Table Tennis

Sustainability remains a crucial part of the ITTF Group’s strategic priorities, and has been added to the ITTF Strategic Plan, highlighting its commitment towards the course.   

In support of this, the RFETM has been at the forefront of promoting sustainability through various pioneering initiatives implemented during their events. Notable measures include the use of recycled cardboard billboards, the complete elimination of single-use plastics, the introduction of refillable glass bottles, and the utilisation of organic inks in all printing materials. These proactive actions have significantly reduced the federation’s carbon footprint and aligned their commitment to a “zero plastic” policy. 

The RFETM’s commitment to sustainability was prominently demonstrated during the Andalucía World PTT Championships 2022 and has been consistently upheld during national events. These efforts underscore the federation’s unwavering dedication to environmental preservation and their endeavour to promote more sustainable and eco-friendly sports management practices, setting the tone for more of such initiatives from other federations. 

General News Sustainability Royal Spanish Federation of Table Tennis