A true table tennis athlete adheres to the principles of Clean Sport by pursuing excellence through the dedicated perfection of each athlete’s natural talents. Clean sport is an environment where the health of athletes is protected and where they are provided with the opportunity to pursue human excellence without the use of prohibited substances and prohibited methods.

In doing so, clean sport protects the spirit of sport, which is the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind and is reflected in the values we find in and through sport, including:

Ethics, fair play and honesty
Athletes’ rights
Excellence in performance
Character and Education
Fun and joy
Dedication and commitment
Respect for rules and laws
Respect for self and other participants
Community and solidarity
Anti-doping programs aim to achieve and maintain a clean sport environment.

Here, Athletes and their Support Personnel, ie coaches, trainers, managers, agents, team staff, officials, medical and paramedical personnel, parents will find essential information about what they need to know to keep table tennis a doping-free sport. Stay committed!

Know your roles and responsibilities!

Avoid inadvertent doping!

Remember: any athlete may be tested in- and out-of-competition at anytime, anywhere and with no advance notice. Thus, be familiar with the Testing process!

Speak Up!

Let other people know your position on doping-free sport, for example, take every chance that you have to show your integrity to younger players.

Report any suspicious activity that you witness, and any person suggesting involvement in anti-doping activities.

Reveal is a platform where you can share information about doping suspicion in a completely anonymous and secure manner – managed independently by the International Testing Agency (ITA). Every piece of information is important in the fight for clean sport and through REVEAL you can support the investigation of anti-doping rule violations or criminal behaviour.

Players must support Testing and doping control activities such as whereabouts requirements, as a way of proving that they are clean.

Support Personnel must cooperate with Players’ testing, as a way to display their commitment to doping-free sport! For example, they must assist in providing Doping Control Officers (DCO) access to Players, and assist Players in the Doping Control process.

Want to know more?

WADA At-a-Glance: Anti-Doping Process

World Anti Doping Code

WADA’s free educational resources